Diana Stevan
Along Came A Gardener
New Publication
From the author of the award-winning Sunflowers Under Fire, comes an inspirational book with personal memories and stories from the world of mental health.
Along Came A Gardener is based on the thoughts and ideas the author Diana Stevan gleaned from her 25 years as a family therapist combined with those she found while working in her garden. Stevan shows us that even when life looks grim, there are tools we can use to meet its challenges and move toward a better future. This book explores the nature of loving relationships and the lessons Nature provides in our backyards and beyond.
DIANA STEVAN is the author of five novels, short stories, and poetry. She’s also penned newspaper articles on travel and fitness. This is her first non-fiction book. She lives with her husband Robert on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Visit her at www.dianastevan.com or on Facebook
Posted: Feb 26, 2025