New poetry book: One Big Time, Wave Books, release date May 6, 2025
seventh collection of poetry, Mad World, Mad Kings, Mad Composition, Wave Books (2020)
debut fiction collection, World Naked Bike Ride (Gaspereau Press (2022).
She is also the author of 24 Pages and other poems (Wave, 2015); F L O W E R C A R T (Ahsahta Press, 2011); Current (Parlor Press, 2011); The Happiness Experiment (Ahsahta, 2007); Dear, Read (Ahsahta, 2002) and The Deep Heart’s Core is a Suitcase (New Issues Press, 1996). A dual Canadian/US writer with family roots in Montreal, she currently divides her time between Nova Scotia and her farm in Wisconsin and is an editor at Poetry Salzburg Review. Fishman has been nominated for a PEN/Robert J. Dau Story Story Prize and a Pushcart Prize. Her work is anthologized in Best American Experimental Writing (Omnidawn, 2014), The Ecopoetry Anthology (Trinity University Press, 2013), The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral (Ahsahta, 2012), Not for Mothers Only (Fence Books, 2007), American Poetry: The Next Generation (Carnegie-Mellon UP, 2000) and elsewhere. Her chapbooks include at the same time as scattering (Albion Books, 2010), Lining (Boxwood Editions, 2009), KabbaLoom (Wyrd Press, 2008), and ‘The Holy Spirit does not deal in synonimes: a Transcription of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Marginalia in Her Greek and Hebrew Bibles’ (Parcel Press, 2008). A pamphlet, Deer 1, was published by Oxeye Press, 2015, and Note on Niedecker’s Takuboku was published as a pamphlet by The Brother in Elysium in 2015 (expanded in The Wave Papers, 2016). The first Lorine Niedecker Poet-in-Residence on Blackhawk Island, Fishman recently served as MFA Director at Columbia College Chicago, where she is Professor of English and Creative Writing. She has recent or forthcoming work in 6x6, Denver Quarterly, Fairy Tale Review, 1913, Volt, jubilat, SplitLevel Texts, Jacket 2 and other journals.
Various and flexible, including literary talks (as well as readings)
Various and flexible
Various and flexible