Picture book Finding Moufette

Linda Hutsell-Manning

Picture book Finding Moufette

HomeNew Publication

"Finding Moufette is a heart warming Christmas story, with exquisite imagery and surprises tucked in alongside what could have otherwise become a very different tale, if not for a touch of magic at a crucial moment. Children will love the clearly-drawn, true-to-life personality of Moufette the cat. Readers of all ages will identify with the dilemmas and worries of being a caring cat owner. The narrative flows seamlessly, immersing one in the immediacy of a snowstorm and all its beauty - but with some hazards as well. Moments of sheer delight at the end leave a reader with a smile. Highly recommended."
     Alison Lohans, award-winning author of 29 books for children, teens and adults.


Finding Moufette, Pandamonium Publishers Oct 2023, is the story of a headstrong cat lost in a Christmas snowstorm.