Writing a children's book series with Jessica Scott Kerrin

Jessica Scott Kerrin

Writing a children's book series with Jessica Scott Kerrin

HomeWorkshop or Retreat

Event: May 31, 2022
| Virtual

Join Halifax-based children's author Jessica Scott Kerrin for an engaging presentation on how to write a book series for children!

About this event

This one hour workshop includes an overview of the types of series, challenges and strategies, helpful tools, how to know when to end a series, and a publisher’s insights.

About Jessica Scott Kerrin

Jessica Scott Kerrin is an Atlantic Canadian writer who is best known for her fiction books for children, including an eight-book series called Martin Bridge; a trilogy called The Lobster Chronicles; two mysteries called The Spotted Dog Last Seen and The Missing Dog is Spotted; an adventure novel, The Things Owen Wrote; a picture book, The Better Tree Fort; and, her newest novel about the Space Race called Clear Skies.

For more information and to register, go to: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/writing-a-childrens-book-series-with-jessica-scott-kerrin-tickets-324402676137?mc_cid=bde2db1801&mc_eid=4271b78f0c

portrait of Jessica Scott kerrin