Writer Removed from Panel at Supreme Court of Canada

Feb 23, 2024

The Writers’ Union of Canada (TWUC) is concerned that renowned Canadian poet, El Jones, and two other speakers were removed at the last moment from a presentation panel organized for law clerks at the Supreme Court of Canada. The website Rabble.ca reported (February 7, 2024)… Read More

In Memoriam — Brian Brett (1950–2024)

Feb 15, 2024

Brian Brett, former Chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada (2005-06), died on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 in Vancouver. Here, he is remembered by his many friends in the Union. The Union asked author William Deverell to write a lead In Memoriam for his close friend, and several… Read More

The Book Industry Speaks Out on Artificial Intelligence and Copyright

Jan 15, 2024

As part of the ongoing public consultation on generative artificial intelligence and copyright, book industry associations are reminding the Canadian government of the crucial importance of regulating the responsible development of artificial intelligence and ensuring effective… Read More

TWUC Invites Submissions for the 2024 Short Prose Competition for Emerging Writers

Dec 8, 2023

The Writers' Union of Canada invites submissions to its 31st annual Short Prose Competition for Emerging Writers. Unpublished works of fiction and nonfiction up to 2,500 words in English are eligible, and writers may submit multiple entries. A $2,500 prize will be awarded to the… Read More

Révision de la Loi sur le droit d’auteur

Nov 30, 2023

    Le milieu du livre sollicite une rencontre d’urgence avec les honorables ministres St-Onge et Champagne Le milieu canadien du livre se réjouit qu’un nouveau rapport de la Chambre des communes dévoilé la semaine dernière soutienne sa revendication que… Read More

Review of the Copyright Act

Nov 30, 2023

    The Book Industry Requests an Urgent Meeting with Honourable Ministers St-Onge and Champagne The Canadian book industry is pleased that a new report from the House of Commons, released last week, supports its claim that the Government of Canada should… Read More

Memo Suggests Shadow-Banning of LGBTQIA2S+ Books in Some Ontario Schools

Nov 9, 2023

The Writers’ Union of Canada (TWUC) is deeply concerned about the apparent shadow-banning of a subset of books shortlisted for this year’s Forest of Reading Awards.   According to a memo and related emails leaked on social media, at least four Children’s and Young… Read More

Jury Announced and Call for Submissions Issued for the 27th Annual Danuta Gleed Literary Award

Nov 9, 2023

The Writers’ Union of Canada and the Gleed family are pleased to announce the jury for the $10,000 Danuta Gleed Literary Award, Canada’s pre-eminent award for the best first Canadian collection of short fiction in the English language, now celebrating its 27th year. This… Read More

Searchable Database Containing Book Titles Used to Train Artificial Intelligence

Oct 3, 2023

  This week, the US publication The Atlantic published a searchable database containing the titles of books used to train a number of US-based artificial intelligence projects. Many of those titles are by Canadian authors. You can see this database, and search for your… Read More

Canada’s School Libraries Require Serious Investment

Sep 28, 2023

  The Writers’ Union of Canada (TWUC) notes with growing concern the trend in Canada of challenges to specific books in schools and libraries across the country. Very often those with a focus on LGBTQIA2s+ perspectives and stories are the target of coordinated… Read More