Who We Are

The Writers’ Union of Canada (TWUC) is the national organization of professionally published writers. TWUC was founded in 1973 to work with governments, publishers, booksellers, and readers to improve the conditions of Canadian writers. Now over 2,700 members strong, TWUC advocates on behalf of writers’ collective interests, and delivers value to members through advocacy, community, and information. TWUC believes in a thriving, diverse Canadian culture that values and supports writers.

How TWUC Advocates for Writers

Past advocacy work by the Union has led to such notable achievements as the establishment of Public Lending Right and Access Copyright, which provide writers with financial compensation for the use of their work by libraries and through electronic reproduction. Today, the Union focusses on accessibility, copyright, Canadian books in schools, and other priorities as determined through ongoing discussion at regional meetings, National Council, and TWUC’s annual general meeting.

The Benefits of Membership

The Union understands both the difficulties and the joys of being a writer in this country — from the isolation, frustration, financial concerns, and the need for information and assistance to the elation that comes with each publication. Members of the Union benefit from a range of services that are not otherwise easily available to writers working in isolation.

National Council & Staff

The Union is guided by the National Council, a group of members from across the country that includes representatives for each region. Day-to-day operations are managed by staff in the Toronto office.


Stay up-to-date with the Union’s latest program updates, award announcements, and statements.

Equity Policy

The Union is committed to promoting equity and inclusion within its membership, leadership, programs, communications, and events.


As part of The Writers’ Union of Canada’s commitment to equity and inclusion, the Union is committed to meeting and wherever possible exceeding legislative requirements regarding accessibility.

TWUC Reports

Read reports on issues impacting Canadian authors and find the Union's strategic plans.


The Union supports the rights, freedoms, and economic well-being of all writers. Make a gift today to support our work.