NEON Lieben: An Insane, Diabolical Cyberpunk Rollercoaster

Sapha Burnell

NEON Lieben: An Insane, Diabolical Cyberpunk Rollercoaster

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NEON Lieben was released August 2021 by Vræyda Literary. It is the first in my Cyberpunk Series The Lieben Cycle. AI meets gene-splicers, when the Idless & the Conglom fight to define artificially intelligent android Lieben and thus, the world. Seven decades later, Aderastos sets the human race against its’ next stage in evolution, if he can survive long enough to rescue his fellow Assets. Two interconnected storylines intersect. Will Lieben help, or hinder?

What Critics Think So Far: 

I never thought a work of science fiction could be so beautiful. Granted, sometimes the beauty is brutal, but that adds to the richness and complexity of the story. This is one of those rare tales that will have you thinking about the characters and what they stand for long after you finish reading the book. In short, it’s everything that you’d expect from a science fiction book and nothing like you’ve ever read.” Ella James, Artisan

"Instead of harping on the dangers of A.I. or the vast potential possibilities for mankind, NEON Lieben simultaneously introduces her readers to the birth pains of new life created by mechanical engineering as well as organic, genetically modified creations through science steeped in realism.
The novel follows two timelines, set over two thirds of a century apart, and while it takes a moment to gather your bearings it’s a marathon of intrigue, growth, and questioning morality. Or perhaps it’s a “quest of morality”.

What she manages to do is tiptoe you on that line of emotional, gut wrenching scenes that can bring you to the brink of hysteria. And with a sentence from a character she offers that breath of humour that pulls you back from the brink.

Then dropkicks you over the ledge when you thought you were safe. An insane, diabolical, cyberpunk rollercoaster." RL Arenz III, Author of Aegis

"So many novels these days barely give their characters distinct personalities, but the people in NEON Lieben all seem like individuals. It's well written, with plenty of showing instead of just telling. There's lovely prose, in natural contrast with action scenes." Graisi O'Hara