SCWES Book Awards for BC Authors: Call for Entries


SCWES Book Awards for BC Authors: Call for Entries

HomeContest or Award

Calling all British Columbia indie book authors and publishers, including small presses, indie publishers, university presses, and self-published authors who have a book released in 2023, 2024 or 2025. Receive more recognition, awards and exposure for your books by entering the 2025 SCWES Book. Contest opens February 10, 2025.  Entry deadline for the 2025 awards program – midnight May 31st, 2025. 


Presented by the Sunshine Coast Writers and Editors Society to recognize and honor the top published books in the province. The Book Awards for BC Authors contest was formed to provide support and recognition for the book publishing profession, and we encourage all trade and independent authors and publishers to enter their books in the 2025 contest to earn recognition and receive other benefits from having an award-winning book, including:

·       An invitation to the awards reception.

·       Exposure for a full year as a Winner or Finalist on the website

·       The opportunity to display Winner or Finalist stickers on your book.

·       Potential increased revenue, reviews and interviews.


Winners will be announced at the Art & Words Festival, Aug. 22-24, Gibsons Public Market, with a $100 prize for the top winners (3 to 4) in each of the following genres: 

Fiction                          Nonfiction                                 Poetry     

! Children’s/YA              


With special awards for those authors identifying as:

! Indigenous                     Diverse                                     Sunshine Coast 


                Submissions will be rated by one or more judging committee member(s). 

                Entries with outstanding merit in each category will be shortlisted. 

                The finalists will be announced by the end of July 2025. 

                Entrants must be BC residents.

                Winning entries will be announced at Art & Words Festival and books will be on display. 

In addition to the top winners $100 cash prizes, they will receive: 

       Comments from judge(s).

       Stickers for their book covers. 

       One-year honorary membership in SCWES. 

       A custom certificate.


       $50 per book 

       $15 per book for youth under 18 years-old.  

(etransfer to, or cheque made payable to SCWES) 


       Mail a hardcopy of each book to 787 Madison Place, Gibsons, BC V0N 1V1 AND an ebook, or PDF of the book (if possible) to with a cover letter containing your name, address, phone number, and email address. If you cannot send an electronic version of your book, please send TWO hardcopies.

       Multiple submissions are allowed but a contest fee must be paid for each submission.

       Copies cannot be returned to the author. 


       SCWES judges rate all books submitted and provide comments for the author (upon request).  

       The comments are the professional opinions of SCWES judges and were solicited by the author when they enter the contest. 

       All comments and ratings are confidential and will not be disclosed by SCWES judges to a third party without prior permission of the author. 

       The author has the right to use comments given by judges for personal or promotional purposes. 


The awards ceremony is Sat. Aug. 23rd, in the Coastal Room, Gibsons Public Market. 


Nominees’ books will be ordered by Talewind Books in Sechelt, BC. You will love the venue and Coastal vibes of the A&W Festival, please plan on joining us. Good luck to all entrants.