Alex Leslie has published two collections of short stories and two collections of poetry, as well as a chapbook of microfictions. Alex's collection of short stories are We All Need to Eat (Book*hug 2019) was shortlisted for a BC Book Prize for fiction and the Kobzar Prize for contributions to Ukrainian-Canadian literature; Alex's short story collection People Who Disappear (2012) was shortlisted for a Lambda Award for debut fiction. Alex's poetry collections are The things I heard about you (2014) , which was shortlisted for the Robert Kroetsch Award for innovative poetry, and Vancouver for Beginnners (2019) which won the Western Canada Jewish Book Award for poetry from the Lohn Foundation and was shortlisted for the 2020 City of Vancouver Book Prize. Alex won the 2015 Dayne Ogilvie Prize from the Writers Trust of Canada for emerging LGBTQ authors. Alex's short fiction has been published in the prestigious Journey Prize anthology and by journals such as Granta and The Malahat Review.