Although I've written several biographies, it's hard for me to write my own life story. Where do I begin? My parents were Holocaust survivors who came to Toronto after World War II. Because we were very poor, there was no money to buy "extras". So I grew up in a house without books. But stories? There were lots of stories that I loved to hear, especially about the "old country". Eventually, I dicovered the public library and that opened up a whole new world for me. I read books in the biography section about famous people like Alexander Graham Bell and Florence Nightingale. I also loved the Anne books by L.M. Montgomery, Nancy Drew mysteries, fairy tales, and even Superman comic books. Although I liked writing in school, I never thought I'd become a writer. When I became an adult, I got married and had three daughters. I taught English and French at elementary schools for many years. But I still didn't think of myself as a writer. But when my children were young, I began to read to them and invent stories. Soon I was going to storytelling evenings and eventually I took a couple of storytelling courses. I began to fall in love with stories all over again. After I told one particular family story, I wanted to write it down. That story became an important scene in my first novel, Written on the Wind. Now that I've been writing for over twenty years, I can't imagine my life without writing.