J. Patrick Boyer, Q.C. is a veteran of the House of Commons, constitutional lawyer, political science professor, broadcast and print journalist, and author of more than twenty books on politics, ethics, law, history, governance, and biographies. Boyer joined The Writers’ Union of Canada in the 1970s and has served as a member of TWUC’s national council. He also publishes books under the imprint Muskoka Books, and is a bookseller through MuskokaBooks.ca and its retail partners. Boyer owned and operated Blue Butterfly Books, publishing some two dozen works of quality fiction and non-fiction for a number of years before consolidating operations with Dundurn. Today he is Dundurn's acquisitions editor for history and politics, and general editor of Dundurn's Point of View titles.
Among his own books are:
Muskokans Fight the Great War / Striking Back for the Empire, 1914-1918 (Muskoka Books, 2019)
Forcing Choice / The Risky Reward of Referendums (Dundurn, 2017)
Foreign Voices in the House / A Century of Addresses to Canada's Parliament by World Leaders (Dundurn, 2017)
The Big Blue Machine / How Tory Campaign Backrooms Changed Canadian Politics Forever (Dundurn, 2015)
Our Scandalous Senate (Dundurn, 2014)
Another Country, Another Life / Calamny, Love, and the Secrets of Isaac Jelfs (Dundurn, 2013)
Raw Life / Cameos of 1890s Justice from a Magistrate's Bench Book (Dundurn, 2012)
Solitary Courage / Mona Winberg and the Triumph over Disability (Blue Buterfly Books, 2010)
A Passion for Justice / How "Vinegar Jim" McRuer Became Canada's Greatest Law Reformer (Blue Butterfy Books, 2008 paperback; Universty of Toronto Press & Osgoode Society, 1994 hardcover)
A Man & His Words (Canadian Shield Communications & Dundurn, 2003)
"Just Trust Us" / The Erosion of Accountability in Canada (Breakout Educational Network & Dundurn, 2003)
Boyer's Ontario Election Law (Carswell Law Publishers, 1996)
Direct Democracy in Canada / The History and Future of Referendums (Dundurn, 1992)
The People's Mandate / Referendums and a More Democratic Canada (Dundurn, 1992)
Hands-On Democracy / How You Can Take Part in Canada's Renewal (Stoddart, 1993)
Local Elections in Canada / The Law Governing Elections of Municipal Councils, School Boards, and Other Local Authorities (Butterworth Law Publishers, 1988)
Election Law in Canada / The Law and Procedure of Federal, Provincial, and Territiorial Elections -- 2 volumes (Butterworth Law Publishers, 1987)
Money and Message / The Law Governing Election Financing, Advertising, Broadcasting and Campaigning in Canada (Butterworth Law Publishers, 1983)
Lawmaking by the People / Referendums and Plebiscites in Canada (Butterworth Law Publishers, 1981)
Political Rights / The Legal Framework of Elections in Canada (Butterworth Law Publishers, 1981)Further biographical information: www.patrickboyer.ca, www.muskokabooks.ca, and Wikipedia entry for J. Patrick Boyer.
Patrick and his wife Elise Marie Boyer live in Bracebridge and Toronto.