(FYI Buchan rhymes with truckin and that other word we sometimes have to say.) I was born in Windsor, Ontario, and spent most childhood summers in Point Pelee. Because of an early trauma that affected my ability to learn, I left high school at the end of grade twelve to attend the newly minted Windsor Teachers' College two-year program created to address the teacher shortage of the day. I began teaching at nineteen, and after two years attended WLU, majoring in English Literature. Much more comfortable with a pen in my hand, I began my secret writing life, my first novel, Under the Moon, published by McClelland & Stewart in 1983. The need to address my early trauma aftershocks meant that for the next ten years, I confined my writing to my journals. In 1995, after researching and writing for a year, I created Blue Crow Books to publish Transformation In Canada's Deep South, a non-fiction description of the positive changes made by small farmers, restorative justice pioneers, and ordinary folks abandoned when politicians cut programs serving the disabled. A second novel, The Buttes, took hold of me but is only this year (2024) being prepared for release. I've spent the years between writing Tranformation and revising The Buttes for publication writing short stories, creating and publishing a third novel, The Kinder Sadist, about the vital necessity of trauma-sensitive awareness, and a memoir, Once Upon a Body, describing my early-trauma healing journey. I have lived in Vermont since 2002 and am preparing to move back to Ontario in the next year. My current writing includes a fourth novel and a non-fiction booklet offering simple techniques to address traumas that prevent our living full lives. I'm glad to finally join the Canadian Writers Union and meet other inky folk in love with the magic words on the page can produce.
Using The Kinder Sadist as an example, I'll explore how writing about characters' traumas, challenges, and solutions supports the integration and release of readers' personal traumas that might otherwise continue to disruptive physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.
This is an interactive trauma-sensitive workshop employing self-regulating techniques to support the safe exploration of a single challanging life event through cursive writing and other trauma-sensitive techniques. Journal or writing tablet and pens required..
Exploring the literary stories that have led to change in students lives to emphasize why reading (rather than watching and listening) matters