Joyce Grant is an author, freelance journalist, editor and writing professor at two Ontario colleges. She delivers high-energy and inspiring workshops and presentations. She was recognized with a gold award in international competition for her work helping young people understand journalism and misinformation.
Joyce holds an MA in Creative and Critical Writing (Distinction) and a BAA in Journalism.
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? HOW TO SPOT FAKE NEWS AND FIND THE FACTS (Kids Can Press) was awarded two Hamilton Literary Awards (Children's Book and Nonfiction Book) and was nominated for the Forest of Reading's Yellow Cedar award for non-fiction as well as the Hackmatack Award.
SLIDING HOME (Lorimer Publishing)This middle-grade baseball novel focuses on Miguel, who is holding down part-time jobs so he can bring his father to Canada from El Salvador. Set in Toronto's Christie Pits baseball field. (Sequel to Tagged Out.)
TAGGED OUT (Lorimer Publishing)Fast-paced middle-grade book about baseball, for reluctant readers. Includes a strong secondary character who is gay.
GABBY (2013, illus: Jan Dolby, pub: Fitzhenry & Whiteside)
GABBY: DRAMA QUEEN (2013, illus: Jan Dolby, pub: Fitzhenry & Whiteside)
GABBY: WONDER GIRL (2016, illus: Jan Dolby, pub: Fitzhenry & Whiteside) When Gabby drops her magic book, all of the letters fall out. Whatever she spells with those letters comes to life! Includes two pages of literacy activities.
AUTHOR WEBSITE: JoyceGrantAuthor.com
KID-FRIENDLY NEWS: TeachingKidsNews.com
Free kid-friendly news articles with curriculum questions.
Post or Pass? We play this highly interactive game that teaches kids of all ages (and adults!) how to spot fake news and pass on it--or post the good stuff! Always hilarious, and everyone walks away with great information about how to spot fake news.