Norma is a five-time self-publisher of nonfiction books. She writes for all age groups, including children's picture books. She is the Founder and CEO of IgnitePress Consultant, a small not-for-profit organization and its sole proprietor registered with the Government of Ontario.
She holds an MA (Ed), BA in Psychology and Sociology, and RN (Retired). A dynamic public speaker, educator, and youth and family advocate for youth justice, she delivers speeches and education in various venues to produce insights and solutions. Norma believes in the power of community to keep at-risk children from being entangled in the Criminal Justice System
She has received many prestigious recognitions for her volunteer work with at-risk youth and their families. She presently volunteers with the Associated Youth Services of Peel in the Youth Justice Diversion Program, Residential Placement Advisory Committee in the Region of Peel; Mental Health Canada, Youth Community Court, Community of Practice, Association of Justice Treatment Professional and Goverance Board of Westminister Court seniors living.
I use a framework of five elements for presenting:
1.start with a story or an icebreaker
2.Pose a problem
3. Engage audience to offer solutions/ share research/ experiences about the problem
4. Share and explain examples; root causes such as trauma, bullying in school and racism
5. Concluding thoughts and a call to action... evaluation
Topic: Over Incarceration of Black and Minority Youth.
Share a lived experience of a youth who was incarcerated
Engage the audience, what are they seeing/reading/hearing about these youth who are caught up in the youth criminal justice system
What are the myths
Share information in layman's term about the Youth Criminal Justice Act... its purpose
Why is this Act not supported by some sectors of society, even some parents
What requires change in society, institutions and systems... 4 - 6 concrete steps for different outcome
Concluding thoughts/ A call to action
Topic: My Emotions.
Begin with a short story
Ask the students how many emotions they heard expressed in the story
Discuss the meaning of emotions
Are emotions good or bad...why
Benefits of emotion; what could happen if you had no emotions
Discuss in-depth anger as a powerful emotion and ways of managing in a positive way
A take away to share