Winner of the Writer’s Union of Canada’s Prose Contest in 2016, Susan Wadds’ award-winning work has appeared in The Blood Pudding, Room, Quagmire, Waterwheel Review, Funicular, WOW-Women on Writing, and many more. The first two chapters of her debut novel, What The Living Do, (Regal House Publishing, 2024), won the Lazuli Group’s Prose Contest, and were published in Azure Magazine. A graduate of the Humber School for Writers, Susan is a certified Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA) workshop facilitator. She lives on a quiet river in South-Central Ontario with an odd assortment of humans and cats.
Utilizing handouts and a PowerPoint presentation, I speak about the history, method, principles, benefits, and practices of the Amherst Writers & Artists method of writing workshop facilitation.
An optional hands-on exercise demonstrates the power of the method.
This workshop is for writers at all levels of confidence and expertise. Craft exercises and varied prompts give each writer both inspiration and freedom to write the words they need to write.
Using the Amherst Writers & Artists method of writing workshop facilitation, participants write, read, & listen deeply while painlessly honing their writing craft.
In this presentation, I introduce the AWA (Amherst Writers & Artists Method of writing workshop facilitation. The method provides a safe, supportive environment for students to explore different ways to tell the story or write the poem they want to write.
Using visual prompts and poems to stimulate creativity, writers are free to write in whatever style they choose. Those who choose to read their freshly generated work will receive feedback highlighting its strengths, and commentary on what is memorable.