Kate Bird is the author of the bestselling Vancouver in the Seventies: Photos from A Decade That Changed the City, which was nominated for the 2016 British Columbia Historical Writing Award, City On Edge: A Rebellious Century of Vancouver Protests, Riots and Strikes and Magic Moments in BC Sports: A Century in Photos.
A professional librarian, Kate has been the researcher for numerous books, including The Age of Walter Gage, Making Headlines: 100 Years of The Vancouver Sun, Lilies and Fireweed: Frontier Women of British Columbia, Wildfire: British Columbia Burns, and The Way We Were: B.C.’s Amazing Journey to the Millennium.
A graduate of The Writer’s Studio at Simon Fraser University and the Vancouver Manuscript Intensive, Kate has been published in The Walrus, Emerge, Hurricane in the Basement, The Vancouver Sun, The Province and Wired West. Kate is currently completing a memoir called The Riverman’s Daughter.